Calcestruzzo Armato
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XVII Congresso ERMCO

Si terrà a Istanbul dal 4 al 5 giugno 2015 il XVII Congresso ERMCO sul calcestruzzo

After the successful congress held in 1995, the XVIIth ERMCO Congress will be organized once more in Istanbul in Turkey on June 4-5, 2015, in cooperation with the Turkish Ready-mixed Concrete Association (THBB). After 20 years the ERMCO family will come together in Turkey again, to take stock of the increasing
importance of concrete in the development of Turkish society.
The Congress will be structured in four sessions dealing with: sustainability of concrete solutions; contribution of concrete to society; advances in concrete production and use; marketing and management.
Simultaneously with the congress an exhibition will take place presenting materials, products and equipment for the production and testing of concrete.
The Congress language will be English, presentations will be in English or in Turkish with translation into English.
1. Sustainability of concrete solutions
Concrete recycling
Concrete life cycle assessment
Concrete durability
Specification of concrete durability by performance
Responsible sourcing of concrete
Concrete contribution to energy efficiency
Climate change challenges and concrete
Environmental product declarations for concrete
2. Contribution of concrete to our society
Concrete - building the wonders of the world
Concrete roads and pavements
Architectural use of concrete
Concrete art – the most flexible material
3. Advances in concrete production and use
Changes in Concrete Standard: EN 206 -2013
Quality control of concrete
Health and Safety in Concrete Plants
Special Concretes :
(lightweight concrete, self-compacting concrete etc.)
4. Marketing and management
Concrete company management
Concrete marketing
Francesco Biasioli
John Gibbs
Tom Harrison
Yilmaz Akkaya
Süheyl Akman
Fevziye Aköz
Saim Akyüz
Bülent Baradan
Turhan Y. Erdogan
Sakir Erdogdu
Abdurrahman Güner
Mustafa Karagüler
Fahriye Kalinçkale
M. Hulusi Özkul
Erbil Öztekin
Turan Özturan
Kambiz Ramyar
Canan Tasdemir
Mehmet Ali Tasdemir
Mustafa Tokyay
Fikret Türker
Ismail Özgür Yaman
Nabi Yüzer
Asim Yeginobali



Calcestruzzo Armato

Esplora la guida completa sul calcestruzzo e sul calcestruzzo armato, due elementi fondamentali nell'edilizia. Scopri le composizioni, come l'integrazione di fibre metalliche e polimeriche, e le ultime innovazioni che migliorano le proprietà strutturali. Aggiorna le tue conoscenze sui materiali cementizi per una comprensione avanzata e applicazioni ottimali.

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