Vincitori Global Holcim Awards competition: numerosi i progetti europei
Pinnacle of third USD 2 million Global Holcim Awards competition
Integrated solutions in Burkina Faso, Brazil and Germany win top awards in sustainable construction
A school project in Gando, Burkina Faso, a multifunctional community center in São Paulo, Brazil, and an urban renewal plan in Berlin, Germany are the winners of the Global Holcim Awards for 2012. These leading sustainable construction projects were selected from 15 finalist submissions by a jury of independent experts. The finalists were the regional Holcim Awards 2011 winning projects that had been selected from more than 6,000 entries in 146 countries.
A secondary school project in Burkina Faso that integrates social and environmental performance won the top prize of USD 200,000. The design for the school in the village of Gando was created by Diébédo Francis Kéré of Kéré Architecture in Berlin.
The Global Holcim Awards Silver was awarded to a project that transforms an eroded landscape in São Paulo into a productive zone and dynamic public space. The project is led by architects Alfredo Brillembourg and Hubert Klumpner of Urban-Think Tank, Brazil.
An urban plan for transforming an under-utilized arm of the River Spree in Berlin into a natural 745m-long "swimming pool" won the Global Holcim Awards Bronze. The Flussbad was developed by a team led by architects Jan and Tim Edler of realities united, Berlin.
Global Holcim Innovation prizes were allocated by a separate jury and conferred for the first time. These prizes focus upon contributions to innovative building materials and construction technologies in the context of sustainable construction. The Holcim Innovation 1st prize 2012 went to Gramazio & Kohler, Architektur und Digitale Fabrikation at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich). The 2nd prize was presented to a collaborative project by German Barkow Leibinger Architects, Schlaich Bergermann und Partner, Technische Hochschule Berlin (TU Berlin) and Transsolar Energietechnik. A team of students from the AA School of Architecture in London, UK, won the Holcim Innovation 3rd prize for a research project.
To view details on the global juries and their members as well as the finalist and winning projects with their design teams and video statements of the juries, to download photos and media releases in five languages, visit

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