The use of GFRP grids for structural rehabilitation of masonry elements – CICE 2012
The use of GFRP grids for structural rehabilitation of masonry elements – CICE 2012
Proceedings of CICE 2012 6th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering - Rome, Italy, 13-15 June 2012
This paper illustrates the use of FRP materials to reinforce existing masonry buildings, including buildings of historical and architecturalvalue. In this work an innovative technique (glass fibres reinforced plastic grid applied by cement or lime based mortars) to improve the structural behaviour of masonry elements is analyzed. This paper illustrates the preliminary results of an ongoing experimental research projectat the LPM of the Politecnico di Milano. The work is divided in 3 parts. In the first one the reinforcing technique is illustrated and the mechanical properties of the GFRP grid and cement or lime based mortars are evaluated. In the second one the debonding strength of the reinforcing system is investigated. Finally, in the third one, the proposed reinforcing technique is compared to a standard system which makes use of CFRP wraps and epoxy resin. In the conclusions the advantages and disadvantages of the reinforcing system are discussed.
Keywords: masonry, GFRP grid, experimental technique, debonding of external reinforcement, cement and lime mortars