Data Pubblicazione:

THE UNDERGROUND WAY:Advantages, prospects and safety of operating in the subsoil

ExpoTunnel is the new showcase dedicated to the world of tunnelling, drilling, mining, underground construction and research. It will take place on 17-19 october 2013 at Bologna Fairground. It is an opportunity to meet in a global framework of supply and demand of high technology and its field applications, with the chance to learn new methods, access state-of-the-art techniques and face the world market.


ExpoTunnel is the new showcase dedicated to the world of tunnelling, drilling, mining, underground construction and research. It will take place on 17-19 october 2013 at Bologna Fairground.

It is an opportunity to meet in a global framework of supply and demand of high technology and its field applications, with the chance to learn new methods, access state-of-the-art techniques and face the world market.

Press Conference Invitation

We present to the press and the operators the first edition of ExpoTunnel, Underground Technologies Exhibition, Bologna Italy:

Advantages, prospects and safety of operating in the subsoil
May 9 2013, at 10.30 a.m. in Zodiaco Hall,
at the headquarter of Bologna Provincial Authority (Bologna Italy, via Zamboni 13)

Giacomo Venturi, Vice President, Bologna Provincial Authority
Luciano Feletto, President, Italo-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce
Duccio Campagnoli, President, BolognaFiere
Nino Leanza, President, ExpoTunnel

Enrico Arini, President, SIG - Italian Tunnelling Society
Paolo Berry, Professor, Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering – DICAM – University of Bologna
Luigi Bartolomei, Adjunct Lecturer, Architecture Department – University of Bologna
Alberto Bortolotti, Adjunct Lecturer, Architecture Department – University of Bologna
Paolo Trombetti, President, IATT – Italian Association for Trenchless Technology