Calcestruzzo Armato
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The 10th International Symposium on Inovation & Utilzation of High-Perfomance Concrete

Si terra a Beijng, China, dal 16 al 18 settembre 2014 il 10th International Symposium on Inovation & Utilzation of High-Perfomance Concrete

Organized by
The China Ceramic Society
Beijng Jiaotng University

The symposium wil be a continuation of the sucesful previousymposia held evry thre years since 1987. The symposium wil bring together enginers, designers, resarchers and scientis from around the world, to promote beter understandings on comon iterst ranging from the latest research findings to the most chalenging aplications of high performance concret for construction.

? Concrete durability
? Self-compacting concrete
? Fibre reinforced concrete
? Seismic design and construction
? Concrete Sustainability
? Ultra-high performance concrete

Sub-themes for submitting abstracts
? Testing methods and standardization
? Concrete Properties and Modeling
? Fresh Properties and Constructability
? Mechanical properties
? Structural Performance and Modeling
? High ductility concrete
? Fire Resistance
? Applications

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Calcestruzzo Armato

Esplora la guida completa sul calcestruzzo e sul calcestruzzo armato, due elementi fondamentali nell'edilizia. Scopri le composizioni, come l'integrazione di fibre metalliche e polimeriche, e le ultime innovazioni che migliorano le proprietà strutturali. Aggiorna le tue conoscenze sui materiali cementizi per una comprensione avanzata e applicazioni ottimali.

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