Sustainability and Mechanical Performance of Fiber reinforced Self-compacting Concrete (FR-SCC)
The New Boundaries of Structural Concrete Session A - Performance and Life-cycle Costs of New Concrete Structures
Memoria tratta da "The New Boundaries of Structural Concrete: Session A – Performance and Life-Cycle Costs of New Concrete Structures", ACI IC - Ancona 2011
The performance of fiber-reinforced self-compacting concrete (FR-SCC) under compression are investigated. In general, its ductility is comparable with that of normal vibrated concrete (NC) and self-compacting concrete (SCC) in the presence of confinement. This aspect can be shown by analyzing the mechanical behavior of cylindrical specimens under uniaxial and triaxial compression tests. The post-peak response is defined in terms of F(w), which is a non-dimensional function that relates the inelastic displacement w and the relative stress applied during softening. In the case of SCC, the presence of fibers increases the value of F(w) corresponding to the value of w. Starting from this performance, the mechanical behavior of a low-carbon footprint SCC is also considered. The results of this study indicate that the idea of introducing a new generation of concrete mixtures, capable of maintaining high values of F(w) with a reduced amount of cement, is possible.
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