Site seismic amplification analysis and seismic protection of industrial activities - B33
Atti del XV congresso ANIDIS 2013
This paper deals with the local seismic amplification analysis in the industrial district of the Sulmona basin (Central Italy) using both the Nakamura’s HVSR technique and the 1-D numerical simulation computed with Shake91 code.An extensive geognostic database allowed to make out the geometries of the subsurface layers up to a depth of 50 m and cross-hole tests led to characterize the dynamic proprieties of terrenes. Noise measurements were collected and data were used to calibrate the 1-D simulations, performed using as source a seismic record of M=5.5. The results obtained point out local site effects. Moreover, the comparison between the 1-D simulation spectra and the spectra of project in the Italian normative, enhances that in these areas the expected response is underestimated. The seismic protection of structures by means of seismic isolation and energy dissipation systems is by now a practice frequently used in civil engineering field. The applications to industrial plants, however are still few, in spite of their high seismic vulnerability. For this reason INAIL/RCV/DIPIA, has promoted and developed research activity, which aim is the study of the applicability of seismic isolation and energy dissipation to industrial plants.
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