Prove sperimentali di rottura ciclica di nodi soletta-pilastro in calcestruzzo armato e simulazione numerica - L3
Atti del XV congresso ANIDIS 2013
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the hysteretic behavior of exterior flat plate slab-column connections designed to resist only gravity loads. Post peak-load ductility of connections in reinforced concrete framed structures is essential to ensure structural integrity against seismic actions and to prevent local failure that may lead to the progressive collapse of such systems. For this purpose, experimental studies were conducted using four full- scale test reinforced concrete flat plate slab- olumn connection specimens; all four were designed with the same reinforcements but were realized with different concrete: two made with normal concrete of class C45/55, and the other two realized with lightweight concrete with additives and steel fibers. Quasi-static reversed cyclic loading was applied to the specimens. Ductile behavior was observed in exterior connections, with an increase in lateral drift capacity, dissipated energy and ductility in the specimens realized with lightweight fiber concrete. The experimental data were compared with numerical results obtained with a nonlinear R/C plate layered model based on the superposition of concrete and reinforcing steel membrane layers.
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Calcestruzzo Armato
Esplora la guida completa sul calcestruzzo e sul calcestruzzo armato, due elementi fondamentali nell'edilizia. Scopri le composizioni, come l'integrazione di fibre metalliche e polimeriche, e le ultime innovazioni che migliorano le proprietà strutturali. Aggiorna le tue conoscenze sui materiali cementizi per una comprensione avanzata e applicazioni ottimali.