Durerà fino al fino al 29 Febbraio 2016. l’offerta per acquistare a un prezzo ridotto il manuale ACI Reinforced Handbook Concrete Design [SP-17 (14)].
Questo manuale in due volumi offre un orientamento e un’assistenza ai professionisti impegnati nella progettazione di edifici in cemento armato e strutture connesse.
Sviluppato in accordo con i requisiti del codice di costruzione di ACI per il Calcestruzzo strutturale e offre decine di esempi di progettazione in cemento armato.
Capitolo 1 (Sistemi Strutturali); Capitolo 2 (Structural Analysis); Capitolo 3 (Durata); Capitolo 4 (Esempi); Capitolo 5 (One-Way Lastre); Capitolo 6 (Lastre a due vie); Capitolo 7 (Travi); Capitolo 9 (Pareti); e il capitolo 14 (Muro).
Disponibile in Hard Copy o protetti Formato PDF: 131,50 $ (soci ACI: $ 79,00) fino al 29 febbraio 2016, quando il prezzo aumenterà.
Now is the time to act to get the current introductory pricing on ACI’s Reinforced Concrete Design Handbook [SP-17(14)]. Introductory pricing will only last until February 29, 2016.
This two-volume handbook provides guidance and assistance to professionals engaged in the design of reinforced concrete buildings and related structures. Developed in accordance with ACI’s reorganized 318-14 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete, it serves as an invaluable companion to ACI 318-14 and provides dozens of design examples of various reinforced concrete members, such as one- and two-way slabs, beams, columns, walls, diaphragms, footings, and retaining walls.
The first three chapters in this design handbook -- structural systems, structural analysis, and durability -- provide general succinct information to clarify for the user the overall design and detailing requirements of reinforced concrete building structures. Chapter four of this design handbook provides a short description of the fictitious seven story building and how it is used to demonstrate the use of the code requirements. Nine new chapters were added: Chapter 1 (Structural Systems); Chapter 2 (Structural Analysis); Chapter 3 (Durability); Chapter 4 (Building Example); Chapter 5 (One-Way Slabs); Chapter 6 (Two-Way slabs); Chapter 7 (Beam); Chapter 9 (Walls); and Chapter 14 (Retaining Wall).
Available in Hard Copy or Protected PDF Format: $131.50 (ACI Members: $79.00) until February 29, 2016, when the price will increase.