Low Altitude Remote Sensing by UAV for monitoring and emergency management on historical heritage - B21
Atti del XV congresso ANIDIS 2013
At Bondeno, a small town in province of Ferrara, affected by the Emilia-Romagna earthquake, ENEA performed a test to verify the effectiveness of Low Altitude Remote Sensing for monitoring and management of earthquake emergency on historical heritage. LARS (Low Altitude Remote Sensing) or UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) remote sensing is a set of techniques for collecting data through the use of sensors mounted on carriers operating at low altitude. Usually, the proximity sensing is when it is not possible or convenient to use the traditional platforms to collect data from high altitudes or in those contexts in which it can be useful to integrate data from different altitudes of observation. The platform allows to acquire at low altitude and with high resolution, structural and architectural details of buildings, determine the conservation status, structural damage and collapse danger. The technology is particularly useful in cases where the buildings are inaccessible due to serious damage. Test object were two churches and a fortified tower, UNESCO World Heritage, all damaged by earthquake. The acquired images, processed by image analysis using a new classification object oriented method, allow knowledge of conservation and damage status of the buildings and the assessment of recovery works.
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