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Knowledge modelling in conservation: a development for BHIMM

Knowledge modelling in conservation: a development for BHIMM

General issues and the case study of St Saba Oratory in Rome

Applying the Building Information Modelling to architectural heritagecalls for the use of semantic tools that are quite generalistic and precise. They achieve uncertain results in the characterization of existing buildings in both fidelity of graphic representation and the organization of informative data. 
The pre-established semantic definition of the BIM offers certainties in itself for its intrinsic constitutive logic but its practical application to an existing reality compels to a heavy limitation of the cognitive data that can be collected in traditional format. This can cause to a certain vague representation.
Hence, we chose to take into consideration a quite limited topic – artifact/building –  as with the Oratorio of St Saba in Rome where we tried to find a way of working, so as to merge precision and certainty through the definition of an appropriate ‘Onthology’. At the same time, we wanted to realize the possibility of establishing relationships between its data bases and the current BIM systems. 
Onthologyis an inductive – not visual – way to represent reality, while BIM is a graphic-based system with a strong deductive evocation, whose descriptive capacity is considerably affected by the presence of set-up bonds.
Associating the two manners would help to refine the capacity of representing the historical architecture, getting closer the descriptive capacity of the virtual model to the tangible reality of the object that we consider. In this way, we can realize managing and design terms for architectural conservation that are more effectiveness because more faithful to real. 

Tratto dal Convegno
Modellazione e gestione delle informazioni per il patrimonio edilizio esistente
Built Heritage Information Modelling/Management – BHIMM
Politecnico di Milano, 21/22 GIUGNO 2016

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Donatella Fiorani

Dipartimento di Storia, Disegno e Restauro dell’Architettura, “Sapienza” Università di Roma
