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ISTeA Milan International Workshop

Milan, MADE EXPO Trade Fair, March, 9th, 2017, 14:30-18

Design, Construction and Occupancy within the 4.0-Oriented Landscape
The Great Transformation, due to the Digital Era, is approaching some early destinations, although the ultimate essence stays with the journey itself.
Consequently, a sort of twofold aim might be dealt with: investigating the disruptive and radical innovation, whose the Digitization appears either as a menace or a promise within the Post Welfare Capitalism; realizing how the incremental innovation might affect the laggards, i.e. the atomized practictioners' and contractors' tissue.
14:30 Opening remarks: Disintermediation and Autonomization (Angelo Ciribini, ISTeA)
14:45 Cognitive Buildings and Machine Learning (Claire Penny, IBM)
15:30 Digital Built Britain: The New Frontier? (Mark Bew, BEIS, UK Government)
16:15 BIM 4 Infra (Markus Koenig, RUB Bochum)
17:00 Podium: Digitizing the Whole Market: Pietro Baratono(MIT), on. Lorenzo Basso (Camera dei Deputati), Livio Sacchi (CNA), Piero Torretta (UNI), Armando Zambrano(CNI).