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Internal Curing of Concrete: una fantastica bibliografia internazionale

Che cosa sono gli Internal Curing of Concrete, quali sono le prestazioni ottenibili, quali i vantaggi e svantaggi. Un utile supporto per la ricerca

Gli Internal Curing Concrete, sono prodotti di supporto alla stagionatura del calcestruzzo da non confondere con gli SRA, utilizzati per diminuire l’evaporazione dell’acqua e quindi contrastare i fenomeni di ritiro del calcestruzzo.

In Italia sono poco utilizzati, probabilmente per il costo, ma rappresentano una soluzione interessanti.

Ho trovato sul web un interessante bibliografia che voglio mettere a disposizione per i lettori di Ingenio.

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ACI Reports

ACI (308-213) R-13. Report on Internally Cured Concrete Using Prewetted Absorptive Lightweight Aggregate. American Concrete Institute Committee 308, Farmington Hills, MI, 2013.


ASTM C1761/C1761M-17. Standard Specification for Lightweight Aggregate for Internal Curing of Concrete, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2017.

Weiss, W.J., and Montanari, L., Guide Specification for Internally Curing Concrete, National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, 40 pp., Nov. 2017.

Northeast Solite Corporation, Internal Curing Specification, available at this LINK 

NYSDOT. Specification 584.3101--18. Albany, NY: New York State Department of Transportation, 2010.


Self-Desiccation and Its Importance in Concrete Technology, Proceedings of the 4th International Seminar,Eds. B. Persson, D.P. Bentz, and L.-O. Nilsson, Lund University, 2005.

Internal Curing of Concrete, RILEM Report 41, Ed. K. Kovler and O.M. Jensen, RILEM Publications S.A.R.L., 2007.

Internal Curing of High-Performance Concretes: Laboratory and Field Experience, ACI SP-256: , Eds. D. Bentz and B. Mohr, American Concrete Institute, CD-ROM, 2008.

Application of Superabsorbent Polymers (SAP) in Concrete Construction – State-of-the-Art Report Prepared by Technical Committee 225-SAP, RILEM, Eds. V. Mechtcherine and H.W. Reinhardt, 2012.

The Economics, Performance, and Sustainability of Internally Cured Concrete, ACI SP-290, Eds. A.K. Schlinder, J.G. Grygar, and W.J. Weiss, American Concrete Institute, CD-ROM, 2012.

Articles and Theses 

Abate, S.Y., Song, K.-I., Song, J.-K., Lee, B.Y., and Kim, H.-K., Internal Curing Effect of Raw and Carbonated Recycled Aggregate on the Properties of High-Strength Slag-Cement MortarConstruction and Building Materials165, 64-71, 2018.

Abed, Z.M., and Salih, A.A., Effect of Using Lightweight Aggregate on Properties of Roller-Compacted ConcreteACI Materials Journal114 (4), 517-523, 2017.

Ackay, B., and Tasdemir, M.A., Influence of Lightweight Aggregates on Internal Curing and Fracture of Concrete, Proceedings of the International RILEM Conference - Volume Changes of Hardening Concrete: Testing and Mitigation, Eds. O.M. Jensen, P. Lura, and K. Kovler, RILEM Publications S.A.R.L., 31-40, 2006.

Ackay, B., and Tasdemir, M.A., Effects of Lightweight Aggregates on Autogenous Deformation in Concrete, in Measuring, Monitoring, and Modeling Concrete Properties, Springer, The Netherlands, 163-170, 2006.

Ackay, B., and Tasdemir, M.A., Optimization of Using Lightweight Aggregates in Mitigating Autogenous Deformation of ConcreteConstruction and Building Materials23, 353-363, 2009.

Ackay, B., and Tasdemir, M.A., Effects of Distribution of Lightweight Aggregates on Internal Curing of ConcreteCement and Concrete Composites32 (10), 611-616, 2010.

Afzal, S., Shahzada, K., Fahad, M., Saeed, S., and Ashraf, M., Assessment of Early-Age Autogenous Shrinkage Strains in Concrete Using Bentonite Clay as Internal Curing TechniqueConstruction and Building Materials66, 403-409, 2014.

Akhnoukh, A.K., Internal Curing of Concrete Using Lightweight AggregatesParticulate Science and Technology36 (3), 2018.

Almeida, F.C.R., Klemm, A.J., Moriconi, G., and Cingolani, M., Use of Superabsorbent Polymers to Reduce Autogenous Shrinkage in Mortars with Ground Granulated Blastfurnace SlagInstitute of Concrete Technology, 5 pp., 2017.

Almeida, F.C.R., and Klemm, A.J., Efficiency of Internal Curing by Superabsorbent Polymers (SAP) in PC-GGBS MortarsCement and Concrete Composites88, 41-51, 2018.

Al-Nasra, M., and Daoud, M., Investigating the Use of Super Absorbent Polymer in Plain ConcreteInternational Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering3 (8), 598-603, 2013.

Amirkhanian, A.N., and Roesler, J.R., Unrestrained Curling in Concrete with Fine Lightweight AggregatesJournal of Materials in Civil Engineering29 (9), 2017.

Ardeshirilajimi, A., Wu, D., Chaunsali, P., and Mondal, P., Effects of Presoaked Lightweight Aggregate on Deformation Properties of Ordinary Portland Cement-Calcium Sulfoaluminate Cement BlendsACI Materials Journal114 (4), 643-652, 2017.

Assmann, A., and Reinhardt, H.W., Tensile Creep and Shrinkage of SAP Modified ConcreteCement and Concrete Research58, 129-185, 2014.

AzariJafari, H., Kazemain, A., Rahimi, M., and Yahia, A., Effects of Pre-Soaked Super Absorbent Polymers on Fresh and Hardened Properties of Self-Consolidating Lightweight ConcreteConstruction and Building Materials113, 215-220, 2016.

Babcock, A., and Taylor, P., Impacts of Internal Curing on Concrete Properties, National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, 2015.

Barrett, T.J., Miller, A.E., and Weiss, W.J., Documentation of the INDOT Experience and Construction of the Bridge Decks Containing Internal Curing in 2013, Indiana Department of Transportation and Purdue University Joint Transportation Research Program, West Lafayette, IN, 2015. 

Bates, R.T., Holck, E., Dee, M., and King, M., Design and Construction of an Internally Cured Slab, in ACI SP-290, The Economics, Performance, and Sustainability of Internally Cured Concrete, Eds. A.K. Schlinder, J.G. Grygar, and W.J. Weiss, American Concrete Institute, CD-ROM, 10 pp., 2012.

Bello, L., Garcia-Diaz, E., and Rougeau, P., An Original Test Method to Assess Water Absorption/Desorption of Lightweight Aggregates in Presence of Cement PasteConstruction and Building Materials154, 752-762, 2017.

Bentur, A., Igarishi, S., and Kovler, K., Control of Autogenous Shrinkage Stresses and Cracking in High Strength Concretes, Proc. 5th International Symposium of High Strength/High Performance Concrete, Sandefjord, Norway, June 20-24, 1999, 1017-1026.

Bentur, A., Igarishi, S., and Kovler, K., Prevention of Autogenous Shrinkage in High Strength Concrete by Internal Curing Using Wet Lightweight AggregatesCement and Concrete Research31 (11) 1587-1591, 2001.

Bentur, A., and van Breugel, K., Internally Cured Concrete. Report 25: Early Age Cracking in Cementitious Systems, Report of RILEM Technical Committee 181-EAS, Edited by A. Bentur (RILEM Publications, France, 2002) 339-353.

Bentz, D.P., Snyder, K.A., and Stutzman, P.E., Microstructural Modeling of Self-Desiccation during Hydration, in Proceedings of an International Research Seminar in Lund: Self-Desiccation and Its Importance in Concrete Technology, Eds. B. Persson and G. Fagerlund, Sweden, 1997, 132-140.

Bentz, D.P., and Snyder, K.A., Protected Paste Volume in Concrete. Extension to Internal Curing Using Saturated Lightweight Fine AggregateCement and Concrete Research29, 1863-1867, 1999.

Bentz, D.P., Garboczi, E.J., and Snyder, K.A., A Hard Core/Soft Shell Microstructural Model for Studying Percolation and Transport in Three-Dimensional Composite Media, NISTIR 6265, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1999.

Bentz, D.P., Hansen, K.K., Madsen, H.D., Vallee, F., and Griesel, E.J., Drying/Hydration in Cement Pastes during CuringMaterials and Structures34, 557-565, 2000.

Bentz, D.P., and Jensen, O.M., Mitigation Strategies for Autogenous Shrinkage CrackingCement and Concrete Composites26 (6), 677-685, 2004.

Bentz, D.P., Geiker, M.R., and Hansen, K.K., Shrinkage-reducing Admixtures and Early-age Desiccation in Cement Pastes and MortarsCement and Concrete Research31 (7), 1075-1085, 2001.

Bentz, D.P., Geiker, M., and Jensen, O.M., On the Mitigation of Early Age Cracking, in Proceedings of the 3rd International Seminar: Self-Desiccation and Its Importance in Concrete Technology, Eds. B. Persson and G. Fagerlund, Lund, Sweden, 195-203, 2002.

Bentz, D.P., Lura, P., and Roberts, J.W., Mixture Proportioning for Internal CuringConcrete International27 (2), 35-40, 2005.

Bentz, D.P., Capitalizing on Self-Desiccation for Autogenous Distribution of Chemical Admixtures, Proceedings of the 4th International Seminar: Self-Desiccation and Its Importance in Concrete Technology, Eds. B. Persson, D.P. Bentz, and L.-O. Nilsson, Gaithersburg, MD, 189-196, 2005.

Bentz, D.P., Halleck, P.M., Grader, A.S., and Roberts, J.W., Water Movement during Internal Curing: Direct Observation using X-ray MicrotomographyConcrete International28 (10), 39-45, 2006.

Bentz, D.P., Halleck, P.M., Grader,A.S., and Roberts, J.W., Four-dimensional X-ray Microtomography Study of Water Movement during Internal Curing, Proceedings of the International RILEM Conference - Volume Changes of Hardening Concrete: Testing and Mitigation, Eds. O.M. Jensen, P. Lura, and K. Kovler, RILEM Publications S.A.R.L., 11-20, 2006.

Bentz, D.P., Internal Curing of High Performance Blended Cement MortarsACI Materials Journal104 (4), 408-414, 2007.

Bentz, D.P., and Stutzman, P.E., Internal Curing and Microstructure of High Performance Mortars, in ACI SP-256: Internal Curing of High Performance Concretes: Laboratory and Field Experiences, Eds. D. Bentz and B. Mohr, CD-ROM, 81-90, 2008.

Bentz, D.P., Influence of Internal Curing Using Lightweight Aggregates on Interfacial Transition Zone Percolation and Chloride Ingress in MortarsCement and Concrete Composites31 (5), 285-289, 2009. 

Bentz, D.P., Snyder, K.A., and Peltz, M.A., Doubling the Service Life of Concrete Structures. II: Performance of Nanoscale Viscosity Modifiers in MortarsCement and Concrete Composites32 (3), 187-193, 2010.

Bentz, D.P., and Weiss, W.J., Internal Curing: A 2010 State-of-the-Art Review, NISTIR 7765, U.S. Department of Commerce, February 2011.

Bentz, D.P., Davis, J.M., Peltz, M.A., and Snyder, K.A., Influence of Internal Curing and Viscosity Modifiers on Resistance to Sulfate AttackMaterials and Structures47 (4), 581-589, 2013, DOI: 10.1617/s11527-013-0081-x.

Bentz, D.P., Jones, S.Z., Peltz, M.A., and Stutzman, P.E., Influence of Internal Curing on Properties and Performance of Cement-Based Repair Materials, NISTIR 8076, U.S. Department of Commerce, July 2015.

Beushausen, H., and Gillmer, M., The Use of Superabsorbent Polymers to Reduce Cracking of Bonded Mortar OverlaysCement and Concrete Composites52, 1-8, 2014.

Beushausen, H., Gillmer, M., and Alexander, M., The Influence of Superabsorbent Polymers on Strength and Durability Properties of Blended Cement MortarsCement and Concrete Composites52, 73-80, 2014.

Beyene, M.A., Munoz, J.F., Meininger, R.C., and De Bella, C., Effect of Internal Curing as Mitigation to Minimize Alkali-Silica Reaction DamageACI Materials Journal114 (3), 417-428, 2017.

Bhosale, S., Shingade, V.S., and Patil, S.K., Experimental Characterization of Strength of Self Curing ConcreteInternational Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education2 (4), 151-160, 2016.

Bloem, D.L., Concrete Strength Measurement - Cores and CylindersASTM Proceedings65, 1965, Philadelphia, PA.

Briatka, P., and Makýš, P., Desorption and Use of Saturated Lightweight Aggregate in Internal CuringSlovak Journal of Civil Engineering, 19 (3), 31-38, 2011.

Browning, J., Darwin, D., Reynolds, D., and Pendergrass, B., Lightweight Aggregate as Internal Curing Agent to Limit Concrete ShrinkageACI Materials Journal108 (6), 638-644, 2011.

van Breugel, K., and de Vries, H., Mixture Optimization of Low Water/Cement Ratio, High-Strength Concretes in View of Reduction of Autogenous Shrinkage, Proceedings International Symposium on High-Performance and Reactive Powder Concretes, Eds. P.C. Aitcin and Y. Delagrave, University of Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, 365-382, 1998.

van Breugel, K., and de Vries, H., Mixture Optimization of HPC in View of Autogenous Shrinkage, in Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Utilization of High Strength/High Performance Concrete, Volume II, Sandefjord, Norway, 1041-1050, 1999.

van Breugel, K., and Lura, P., Effect of Initial Moisture Content and Particle Size Distribution of Lightweight Aggregates on Autogenous Deformation, Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Structural Lightweight Aggregate Concrete, Eds. S. Helland, I. Holand, and S. Smeplass, Kristiansand, Norway, 453-462, 2000.

van Breugel, K., and de Vries, H., Potential of Mixtures with Blended Aggregates for Reducing Autogenous Deformation in Low Water/Cement Ratio Concrete, Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Structural Lightweight Aggregate Concrete, Eds. S. Helland, I. Holand, and S. Smeplass, Kristiansand, Norway, 463-472, 2000.

van Breugel, K., Ouwerkerk, H., and de Vries, H., Effect of Mixture Composition and Size Effect on Shrinkage of High Strength Concrete, in Proceedings of International RILEM Workshop on Shrinkage of Concrete, Eds. V. Baroghel-Bouny and P.C Aitcin, Paris, 161-177, 2000.

Bui, P.T., Ogawa, Y., Nakarai, K., Kawai, K., and Sato, R., Internal Curing of Class-F Fly-Ash Concrete Using High-Volume Roof-Tile Waste AggregateMaterials and Structures50:203, 2017.

Bundur, Z.B., Kirisits, M.J., and Ferron, R.D., Use of Pre-Wetted Lightweight Fine Expanded Shale Aggregates as Internal Nutrient Reservoirs for Microorganisms in Bio-Mineralized MortarCement and Concrete Composites84, 167-174, 2017.

Byard, B.E., Schindler, A.K., and Barnes, R.W., Early-Age Cracking Tendency and Ultimate Degree of Hydration of Internally Cured ConcreteJournal of Materials in Civil Engineering24 (8), 1025-1033, 2012.

Byard, B.E., Schindler, A.K., and Barnes, R.W., Cracking Tendency of Lightweight Aggregate Bridge Deck ConcreteACI Materials Journal111 (2), 179-188, 2014.

Byard, B.E., Schindler, A.K., and Barnes, R.W., Early-Age Autogenous Effects in Internally Cured Concrete and Mortar, in ACI SP-290, The Economics, Performance, and Sustainability of Internally Cured Concrete, Eds. A.K. Schlinder, J.G. Grygar, and W.J. Weiss, American Concrete Institute, CD-ROM, 18 pp., 2012.

Byard, B.E., and Ries, J., Optimizing the Sustainability of Concrete Through Internal Curing, in ACI SP-290, The Economics, Performance, and Sustainability of Internally Cured Concrete, Eds. A.K. Schlinder, J.G. Grygar, and W.J. Weiss, American Concrete Institute, CD-ROM, 10 pp., 2012.

Campbell, R.H., and Tobin, R.E., Core and Cylinder Strengths of Natural and Lightweight ConcreteACI Journal64 (4), 190-195, 1967.

Castro, J., Lura, P., Rajabipour, F., Henkensiefken, R., and Weiss, W.J., Internal Curing: Discussion of the Role of Pore Solution on Relative Humidity Measurements and Desorption of Lightweight Aggregate (LWA), in ACI SP-270: Advances in the Materials Science of Concrete, Ed. J.H. Ideker, American Concrete Institute, 89-100, 2010.

Castro, J., Keiser, L., Golias, M., and Weiss, W.J., Absorption and Desorption Properties of Fine Lightweight Aggregate for Application to Internally Cured Concrete MixturesCement and Concrete Composites33 (10), 1001-1008, 2011.

Castro, J., de la Varga, I., and Weiss, W.J., Using Isothermal Calorimetry to Assess the Water Absorbed by Fine LWA during MixingJournal of Materials in Civil Engineering24 (8), 996-1005, 2012.

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Chen, P., Wang, J., Liu, F., Qian, X., Xu, Y., and Li, J., Converting Hollow Fly Ash into Admixture Carrier for ConcreteConstruction and Building Materials159, 431-439, 2018.

Cheng, S., Shui, Z., Yu, R., Sun, T., and Zhang, X., Multiple Influences of Internal Curing and Supplementary Cementitious Materials on the Shrinkage and Microstructure Development of Reefs Aggregate ConcreteConstruction and Building Materials155, 522-530, 2017.

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Craeye, B., Reduction of Autogenous Shrinkage of Concrete by Means of Internal Curing, M.S. thesis, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium, 2006 (in Dutch).

Craeye, B., and De Schutter, G., Experimental Evaluation of Mitigation of Autogenous Shrinkage by Means of a Vertical Dilatometer for Concrete, Proceedings of the International RILEM Conference - Volume Changes of Hardening Concrete: Testing and Mitigation, Eds. O.M. Jensen, P. Lura, and K. Kovler, RILEM Publications S.A.R.L., 21-30, 2006.

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Cusson, D., Effect of Blended Cements on Effectiveness of Internal Curing in HPC, in ACI SP-256: Internal Curing of High Performance Concretes: Laboratory and Field Experiences, Eds. D. Bentz and B. Mohr, CD-ROM, 105-120, 2008.

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Cusson, D., and Margeson, J., Durability Design of HPC Bridge Decks with Lightweight Aggregates and Admixtures, in ACI SP-290, The Economics, Performance, and Sustainability of Internally Cured Concrete, Eds. A.K. Schlinder, J.G. Grygar, and W.J. Weiss, American Concrete Institute, CD-ROM, 22 pp., 2012.

Daigle, L., Cusson, D., and Lounis, Z., Extending Service Life of High Performance Concrete Bridge Decks with Internal Curing, International Conference on Creep, Shrinkage, and Durability of Concrete and Concrete Structures (CONCREEP 8), 6 pp., 2008.

Dang, J., Zhao, J., and Du, Z., Effect of Superabsorbent Polymers on the Properties of ConcretePolymers9(672), 17 pp., 2017.

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De la Varga, I., Castro, J., and Weiss, W.J., Autogenous Shrinkage Mitigation in HVFA Mixtures with Internal Curing, in ACI SP-290, The Economics, Performance, and Sustainability of Internally Cured Concrete, Eds. A.K. Schlinder, J.G. Grygar, and W.J. Weiss, American Concrete Institute, CD-ROM, 12 pp., 2012.

De la Varga, I., Spragg, R., Di Bella, C., Castro, J., Bentz, D.P., and Weiss, W.J., Fluid Transport in High-Volume Fly Ash Mixtures with and without Internal CuringCement and Concrete Composites45, 102-110, 2014.

De la Varga, I., and Graybeal, B.A., Dimensional Stability of Grout-Type Materials Used as Connections between Prefabricated Concrete ElementsJournal of Materials in Civil Engineering27 (9), 2015.

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De Meyst, L., Araújo, M., Mignon, A., Van Tittelboom, K., Van Vlierberghe, S., and De Belie, N., Mitigating Autogenous Shrinkage by Means of Superabsorbent Polymers – Effect on Concrete Properties, 2nd International RILEM/COST Conference on Early Age Cracking and Serviceability in Cement-Based Materials and Structures, Brussels, Belgium, 6 pp., 2017.

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Di Bella, C., Villani, C., Hausheer, E., and Weiss, W.J., Chloride Transport Measurements for a Plain and Internally Cured Concrete Mixture, in ACI SP-290, The Economics, Performance, and Sustainability of Internally Cured Concrete, Eds. A.K. Schlinder, J.G. Grygar, and W.J. Weiss, American Concrete Institute, CD-ROM, 16 pp., 2012.

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Durán-Herrera, A., Mendoza-Rangel, J.M., De‑los-Santos-Rodriguez, E.J., Vázquez, F., Valdez, P., and Bentz, D.P., Accelerated and Natural Carbonation of Concretes with Internal Curing and Shrinkage/Viscosity ModifiersMaterials and Structures48, 1207-1214, 2015.

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