Indagini sperimentali su pareti in calcestruzzo armato realizzate con blocchi cassero in legno mineralizzato - J10
Atti del XV congresso ANIDIS 2013
In recent years, the robustness of reinforced concrete bearing walls casted-in mineralized wood blocks has been the object of several research works aiming to assess their behavior in static and seismic situations. No calculation procedures pertinent to this technology are given, neither Italian nor European codes. In practice they are usually considered as lightly reinforced RC walls, even if their characteristic structural mesh – a sort of infinite 2D frame – makes their behavior completely different from the performance of a continuous membrane. In order to partially fill this gap the Italian Ministry of Public Works issued some Guidelines in July 2011 claiming for a series of laboratory tests to investigate the performance of panels of different geometries under different loads. This paper presents a summary of the experimental results of some tests conducted on eight walls in real scale - with and without openings. The panels are built using hollow modular formwork allowing a concrete wall thickness varying from 13 to 22 cm. The experimental data are compared with an analytical proposal for the structural calculation in terms of strength and rigidity. Finally an evaluation of ductility, behavior factor and equivalent damping ratio is given for each specimen.
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Calcestruzzo Armato
Esplora la guida completa sul calcestruzzo e sul calcestruzzo armato, due elementi fondamentali nell'edilizia. Scopri le composizioni, come l'integrazione di fibre metalliche e polimeriche, e le ultime innovazioni che migliorano le proprietà strutturali. Aggiorna le tue conoscenze sui materiali cementizi per una comprensione avanzata e applicazioni ottimali.