Incredibile: in un filmato di 5 minuti tutti i terremoti del 2012 nel mondo con magnitudo sup. a 4
Incredibile: in un filmato di 5 minuti tutti i terremoti del 2012 nel mondo con magnitudo sup. a 4 Worldwide Earthquakes of 2012. All recorded earthquakes greater than magnitude 4.0 are shown for the full year, along with their depths and magnitudes. Locations of the world’s tectonic plates and the Ring of Fire are also depicted.
I terremoti accaduti nel 2012 evidenziati in un filmato temporale su una mappa mondiale: molto interessante e innovativo.
Worldwide Earthquakes of 2012. All recorded earthquakes greater than magnitude 4.0 are shown for the full year, along with their depths and magnitudes. Locations of the world’s tectonic plates and the Ring of Fire are also depicted.