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IAEG XII Congress - Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Torino, September 15-19, 2014

The IAEG XII Congress aims to analyse the dynamic role of Engineering Geology in our changing world: by means of a series of topics and sessions offered to the participants' choice through the interpretative key of four main themes: ENVIRONMENT PROCESSES ISSUES APPROACHES

The IAEG XII Congress aims to analyse the dynamic role of Engineering Geology in our changing world: by means of a series of topics and sessions offered to the participants' choice through the interpretative key of four main themes:


In the next few years, major effects over territorial planning and infrastructures will be due to the global change particularly evident in extreme climate regions. Climate changes also affects natural processes related to slope dynamics, water courses, coastal and marine environments: all these phenomena are case studies for Engineering Geology.

Engineering Geology plays a major role in the definition of human responses to the changes of a dynamic environment. More and more obvious is the role of territorial planning for a sustainable use of available geo and water resources and a proper management of natural hazards (as landslides, floods, marine processes and earthquakes). Urban Geology and Applied Geology for Major Engineering Projects are reaching far beyond technological applications, because they analyse the evolution over time of the Society and infrastructures, including also the Preservation of Cultural Heritage.

Indeed, human activities have to be developed on a ethical base: Engineering Geology respects this principle, where implications include sustainable future and environmental conservation. 

An important goal of the XII International IAEG Congress is to promote and increase the relationships between scientists and engineering geology professional operators (Owners, Design Firms and Contractors). The integration of the two worlds will have helpful effects on surveys, design procedures, construction and monitoring techniques. The cooperation between research and practice will lead to a development of the Society through the creation of new patents, licenses, spin offs and joined and sponsored researches.
The Congress will also offer an extraordinary opportunity for scientists, companies and agencies to meet and improve together the current state of Engineering Geology. For this purpose keynote lectures will be delivered by both academic representatives and professional operators.

Our Congress celebrates 50 years from the IAEG foundation. It aims to testify the fundamental scientific role of Engineering Geology in the last 50 years, through the contributions of successful, well-known researchers. At the same time, the congress aims to thrust forth the IAEG future role by involving young, enthusiastic scientists who are more conscious of the challenges, sometimes hard, they are facing. We want them to be able to overcome future difficulties in geo-environmental management and habitat protection.

This congress is in memory of Marcel Arnould (IAEG Honorary President)

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