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Good Practice for use of Experimental and Computational Methods for Wind Pressures on Structures and Facades

L'Associazione Nazionale per l'Ingegneria del Vento (ANIV) organizza l'evento WEB dal titolo "Good Practice for use of Experimental and Computational Methods for Wind Pressures on Structures and Facades" che si terrà giovedì 1 ottobre alle ore 17:00 CET in collaborazione con la Wind Engineering Society britannica.


L'Associazione Nazionale per l'Ingegneria del Vento (ANIV) è lieta di annunciare l'evento WEB dal titolo "Good Practice for use of Experimental and Computational Methods for Wind Pressures on Structures and Facades" che si terrà giovedì 1 ottobre alle ore 17:00 CET in collaborazione con la Wind Engineering Society britannica.

L'evento mira a fornire elementi relativi all'utilizzo dei test in galleria del vento e delle simulazioni CFD a supporto della progettazione strutturale nei confronti dell'azione del vento, sperimentazione oggi prevista dalle normative come alternativa o complemento all'utilizzo dei dati forniti dalle normative stesse o disponibili nella letteratura tecnico/scientifica.

L'evento è gratuito ma è necessario iscriversi prima a questo LINK

Le relazioni si terranno in lingua inglese e saranno moderate dal prof. Francesco Ricciardelli (University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli") a cura di due esperti:

  • Andrew Allsop (Arup) – The title of his talk will be: "Derivation of Design Wind Pressures using Experimental Methods – A history of good practice".
  • Luca Bruno (Polytechnic University of Turin) – The title of his talk will be: "CWE for design: instruction for use and side effects".  

Per saperne di più: LINK alla pagina dell'evento


I due relatori

Andrew Allsop (Arup) 

Andrew Allsop has led the Wind Engineering activities of Arup for the past 30 years and in that time has been involved with organising and interpreting wind tunnel studies from many different laboratories around the world.  He is a Fellow of the Wind Engineering Society, Scruton Lecturer, and currently is chair of the BSI Wind Actions sub-committee working on the current round of updates to the CEN standards.

Andrew's talk will briefly cover history and reasoning lying behind current wind tunnel testing methodology and wind standards, and an overview of how these were calibrated against practical experience of wind damage.  The talk will also discuss how current practice may vary around the world, within Europe, and between testing laboratories, and on-going research and wind code activity to improve procedures which are as relevant to CFD as to wind tunnel testing.


Luca Bruno (Polytechnic University of Turin) 

Luca Bruno is the most senior member of the Special Interest Group in Computational Wind Engineering of the Italian Association for Wind Engineering (ANIV-CWE). He also currently serves ANIV as President. Over the last 25 years of activity, he has experienced the exponential growth of CWE, from a new born research field to a tool for designers. ANIV-CWE has recently supported the drafting of the Annexes on CWE in the revised CNR-DT 207 and EN 1991-1-4.

His talk will briefly cover the history of computational simulation from research, to design practice and standards. The talk core will outline 10 golden rules for an accurate CWE simulation, and some tips to avoid design-threatening side effects. Finally, the talk will sketch a possible collaborative approach between wind tunnel tests and computational simulations, in the service of designer rather than a fruitless professorial catfight.


The Italian Association for Wind Engineering aims at deepening and spreading the knowledge in the broad, multi-disciplinary field of Wind Engineering among researchers, consultants and practitioners based in Italy.

ANIV is Member of the International Association for Wind Engineering (IAWE), and open to the International community.