FEM analysis of the behaviour of a reinforced earth wall - C7
Atti del XV congresso ANIDIS 2013
In recent years, earth reinforced technology has been greatly developed. Based on accurate static and dynamic backfill soil characterisation a numerical modelling of the behaviour of a prototype is performed. This paper deals with a real scale experimental wall that has been built in Brazil by the Vertical Walls technology with Concrete Facing Panels (MacRES) developed by Maccaferri. This system is characterized by high tensile strength reinforcementes anchored to a concrete vertical facing. The straps are inserted horizontally within the backfill during construction. Moreover the experimental real size model, have been instrumented to measure stress and deformations on straps and deformation on the concrete facing. The earth reinforced system have been analysed by limit equilibrium method to check the internal stability of the wall, as usually made in conventional design. Also a 2D FEM analysis has been performed to evaluate the wall performance in terms of stress and strain of both structure elements and concrete panels.
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