Exploring the possibility to carry out an expeditious non linear static assessment of an existing RC building - D19
Atti del XV congresso ANIDIS 2013
Recent earthquakes that have struck Italian territory have emphasized the necessity to assess the seismic safety of existing built heritage, comprising, for a substantial part, Reinforced Concrete (RC) buildings designed between the 50s and 80s. Those buildings were designed in accordance with regulations that, although showing a growing seismic awareness, were certainly inadequate to design buildings capable to withstand the design earthquakes prescribed by the Italian Technical Standards for Constructions (NTC2008). At the same time, the recent proposal made by the technical community to equip each existing building with a seismic suitability certificate encourages the development of a rapid method for seismic safety assessment. This paper presents a method to carry out a simplified and fast non linear staticassessment of an existing RC building.
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