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European Commission: Share of renewable energy up to 13% of energy consumption in the EU in 2011

In 2011, energy from renewable sources was estimated to have contributed 13.0% of gross final energy consumption in the EU27, compared with 7.9% in 2004 and 12.1% in 2010.

Nel 2011, l'energia da fonti rinnovabili ha contribuito per una quota del 13,0% del consumo finale lordo di energia nell'UE a 27, rispetto al 7,9% nel 2004 e 12,1% nel 2010.
La quota delle energie rinnovabili nel consumo finale lordo di energia è uno degli indicatori principali della strategia Europa 2020.
L'obiettivo per l'UE-27 da raggiungere entro il 2020 è quello di una quota del 20% di energie rinnovabili sul consumo finale lordo di energia.
Tra il 2010 e il 2011, quasi tutti gli Stati membri hanno aumentato la loro quota di energie rinnovabili nel consumo finale lordo di energia. Le più alte quote di energia rinnovabile nel consumo finale di energia nel 2011 sono stati trovati in Svezia (46,8% di fonti energetiche rinnovabili nel consumo totale), Lettonia (33,1%), Finlandia (31,8%) e Austria (30,9%), e il più basso in Malta (0,4%), Lussemburgo (2,9%), il Regno Unito (3,8%), Belgio (4,1%) e Paesi Bassi (4,3%).

In 2011, energy from renewable sources was estimated to have contributed 13.0% of gross final energy consumption in the EU27, compared with 7.9% in 2004 and 12.1% in 2010.

The share of renewables in gross final energy consumption is one of the headline indicators of the Europe 2020 strategy. The target for the EU27 to be reached by 2020 is a share of 20% renewable energy use in gross final energy consumption. The national targets take into account the Member States' different starting points, renewable energy potential and economic performance.
These figures4 are published by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union, and highlight the development of renewable energy sources in energy consumption in the EU27 and the Member States.
Highest share of renewables in Sweden, Latvia, Finland and Austria
Between 2010 and 2011, almost all Member States increased their share of renewable energy in gross final energy consumption. The highest shares of renewable energy in final energy consumption in 2011 were found in Sweden (46.8% of renewable energy sources in total consumption), Latvia (33.1%), Finland (31.8%) and Austria (30.9%), and the lowest in Malta (0.4%), Luxembourg (2.9%), the United Kingdom (3.8%), Belgium (4.1%) and the Netherlands (4.3%). In 2011, Estonia was the first Member State to exceed its Europe 2020 target.
Since 20045, the share of renewable energy in final energy consumption grew in all Member States. The largest increases during this period were recorded in Sweden (from 38.3% in 2004 to 46.8% in 2011), Denmark (from 14.9% to 23.1%), Austria (from 22.8% to 30.9%), Germany (from 4.8% to 12.3%) and Estonia (from 18.4% to 25.9%).