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Earthquake Vulnerability Assessment of Existing Buildings in Cox's-Bazar using Field Survey & GIS

An efficient tool to assess the seismic vulnerability of existing buildings is also an important factor for planning urban/regional-scale emergency response and earthquake protection/retrofitting schemes to protect human lives, economy

Abbiamo trovato un articolo molto interessante su dedicato alla verifica di vulnerabilità sismica di edifici esistenti pubblicato da tre ricercatori del Bangladesh. Riportiamo di seguito l'estratto e diamo il link dell'articolo completo.




Urban earthquake vulnerability assessment of existing buildings is essential to local authorities. An efficient tool to assess the seismic vulnerability of existing buildings is also an important factor for planning urban/regional-scale emergency response and earthquake protection/retrofitting schemes to protect human lives, economy .This paper presents a methodology to predict the seismic vulnerability of buildings by key statistical analysis using GIS (Geographic Information System) based on a number of structural parameters that determined on the basis of engineering knowledge and observations. Building inventory survey chosen as a method for rapid visual screening during field survey to collect data for statistical analysis. In this case study, seismic vulnerability assessment of buildings is carried out for the city Cox’s Bazar, situated on the bank of the Bay of Bengal, the main tourist’s city of Bangladesh. The assessment showed seismic vulnerability factors recognized with heavy overhanging (26%), absent of basement (25%), pounding possibility (14%), plan irregularities (12%) and soft storey (7%).It is also observed that if one of the soft storey buildings under liquefaction fail which will affect the others very easily because all the building structure are very close to each other.

KeywordsVulnerability Factor; GIS; BuildingInventory