Tunnel e Gallerie
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Damage assessment of masonry subjected to microtunneling: tunneling is required for seismic isolation - N10

Atti del XV congresso ANIDIS 2013

A novel seismic base-isolation method, requiring closely spaced micro-tunnels under the building, was proposed by one of the authors. This paper investigates the feasibility of that method by quantifying the damage posed by the construction of microtunnels, required for this technique. The FE approach is adopted to study damage susceptibility of a masonry façade (having columns, arches and window openings) to surface subsidence; the stiffness of soil, of masonry, and soil-structure interaction has been taken into the account. Coupled analysis is performed. The damage sustained by the masonry is categorized; suitable soil and masonry conditions are proposed for the application of the ‘novel seismic base-isolation’ technique; and preventive measures are suggested for the unfavorable situations. It is concluded that the considered façade is very sensitive to the construction required for this method; the method is applicable for a very stiff façade in a variety of soil conditions; preventive measures are required for the facades, whose properties are representative of historic masonry, in some soil conditions.

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