Concrete compressive strength extracted from existing buildings
The New Boundaries of Structural Concrete Session D – Concrete Quality Control on Site
Data di pubblicazione originale dell'articolo: 25/02/2014
Memoria tratta da "The New Boundaries of Structural Concrete: Session D – Concrete Quality Control on Site", ACI IC - Ancona 2011
The evaluation of seismic safety of existing buildings is an increasingly important topic in earthquake engineering, especially in the light of the provisions subscribed in recent national and international building codes. For reinforce concrete buildings that assessment is not possible without the definition of concrete mechanical properties and, in particular, the definition of its compressive strength. Since the '90s of previous century, the Tuscany Region has launched a campaign of diagnostic on-site tests as prescribed by the Tuscan Regional Program VSCA (Reinforced Concrete Buildings Seismic Vulnerability) for determining the quality of concrete in public reinforced concrete buildings. In this paper, two buildings - selected from those investigated by the Tuscany Region and now demolished after being declared unsafe are analyzed. In particular, some issues related to the concrete mechanical characterization both on-site and in laboratory are addressed considering the method of extraction of cylindrical specimens and the size of the sample obtained by grinding the core.
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