Call for Entries: 15th Concrete Bridge Awards Competition
Start the 15th Concrete Bridge Awards Competition.
The awards, instituted in 1988 and presented biennially, recognize excellence in design and construction of concrete bridges. The contest attracts entries from Canada and the United States, covering a variety of structure types and construction methods. Winning projects are selected by a jury of prominent bridge professionals based on creativity, functionality, aesthetics, sustainability, and economy in design and construction.
Eligibility: Eligible structures for the 2016 competition must have been essentially completed between October 2013 and September 2015, and must be located within the United States or Canada.
Bridge Criteria: All types of bridges -- highway, rail, transit, and wildlife crossing -- in which the basic structural system is concrete are eligible. Entries are equally encouraged for cast-in-place or precast concrete bridges with short, medium, or long spans. Newly constructed, reconstructed, or widened structures qualify for the competition.
Who May Enter: Any organization, public or private, may enter and may submit multiple entries. Note that written evidence of the agreement by the owner or agency to the submission of each entry shall be included in each entry.
Rules of Entry: See 15th Concrete Bridge Awards Competition online entry form. Entry fee of $250 per submission.
Deadline: Entries are due July 15, 2016.
Judging: Selection of winners will be made by a jury of distinguished professionals. Awards will be made in recognition of creativity and skillfulness in the structural, functional, aesthetic, sustainable, an economic design of concrete bridges. Consideration will also be given for innovative construction methods, including accelerated bridge construction.
Awards: Multiple Awards of Excellence will reflect the diverse ways concrete is used in bridges. Each award will consist of a commemorative plaque.