BIM: Fiatech e l'International Code Council (ICC) hanno firmato un Accordo di intesa
Fiatech e ICC prendere di mira Codice Compliance in Digital Age Austin, TX, 16 Maggio 2013 - Utilizzo di tecnologie informatiche per la revisione del piano, il processo di approvazione del piano, e il codice di controllo semplifica la costruzione di operazioni di reparto e può essere un vantaggio per le economie locali. Fiatech e l'International Code Council (ICC) hanno firmato un Memorandum of Understanding che sostiene una visione condivisa per promuovere l'efficacia e l'efficienza della progettazione degli edifici, la costruzione, e la conformità dei codici attraverso l'uso di tecnologie e pratiche rappresentata dal progetto Fiatech AutoCodes avanzate. Codice AutoCodes automatizzato controllo-è uno sviluppo significativo che si muove conformità normativa nell'era digitale alla pari con un design moderno e le pratiche commerciali del settore delle costruzioni.
Austin, TX, 16 Maggio 2013
Fiatech e l'International Code Council (ICC) hanno firmato un accordo di intesa che sostiene una visione condivisa per promuovere l'efficacia e l'efficienza della progettazione degli edifici, la costruzione, e la conformità dei codici attraverso l'uso di tecnologie e pratiche dal progetto Fiatech AutoCodes Advaced.
"Fiatech è lieta di avere il sostegno di ICC nello sviluppo di AutoCodes, che sarà un 'game changer' nella progettazione edilizia e di costruzione", ha detto Ray Topping, Direttore del Fiatech. "Il nostro protocollo di intesa si basa sul forte rapporto di collaborazione instaurato con CPI negli ultimi sei anni, mirato allo snellimento normativo."
Fiatech and ICC Take Aim at Code Compliance in Digital Age
Austin, TX, May 16, 2013 — Using computer technology for plan review, the plan approval process, and code checking streamlines building department operations and can be a boon for local economies. Fiatech and the International Code Council (ICC) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding that supports a shared vision to advance the effectiveness and efficiency of building design, construction, and code compliance through the use of advanced technologies and practices represented by the Fiatech AutoCodes Project. AutoCodes—automated code checking—is a significant development that moves regulatory compliance into the digital age on par with modern commercial design and construction industry practices.
“Fiatech is pleased to have ICC’s support in the development of AutoCodes, which will be a ‘game changer’ in the building design and construction process,” said Ray Topping, Director of Fiatech. “Our Memorandum of Understanding builds on the strong working relationship established with ICC over the past six years in advancing regulatory streamlining.”
“Automated code checking helps plan reviewers focus on the core tasks of code compliance and speeds up the permitting process,” said ICC Board President Ronald Piester, AIA. “This innovative technology will provide comprehensive and consistent results from project to project across jurisdictions and allow code officials to dedicate more time to safety issues, inspections, and other important duties.”
The current stage of the project focuses on efforts to convert egress chapters 10 and 11 of the International Building Code into machine-language rule sets to check 3D building information models (BIM) for code compliance. A critical aspect of the phase is to define an ICC certification roadmap that confirms the integrity of AutoCodes Project deliverables with regards to the IBC for industry usage.
“ICC and Fiatech are committed to completing this long-term project,” said ICC CEO Dominic Sims, CBO. “Using technology for code checking is a win-win for the jurisdiction, designer, and property owner. The quicker plans are approved to begin construction, the quicker a business can open its doors and see sales dollars. Speeding up plan review and permitting turnaround time will result in projects being started and completed in a more timely manner, thereby creating an economic development advantage in a competitive world. ”
A video that describes the AutoCodes Project and its value to industry can be viewed at
The International Code Council is a member-focused association. It is dedicated to developing model codes and standards used in the design, build, and compliance process to construct safe, sustainable, affordable, and resilient structures. Most U.S. communities and many global markets choose the International Codes.
Fiatech is a global community of industry stakeholders working together to advance productivity and efficiency throughout the life cycle of capital assets by advancing the development and deployment of technology and innovative practices.