AMMC Conference on Ancient and Modern Mortars
AMMC Conference on Ancient and Modern Mortars Dal 07/02/2013 al 08/02/2013 Firenze, Vecchio Conventino-Spazio Arti e Mestieri, via Giano della Bella 20/1 - Orario: 9-13/14-18 Aiar (Italian Association of Archaeometry) and Italian Lime Forum organize the firs Italian Conference completely devoted to mortar, the material of the framework and finishing elements of architecture The topics of the conference will be The historic and modern mortar characterization, the ancient mortar dating, deterioration and durability (including masonries and mural paintings), new materials compatible for restoration works and structural rehabilitation interventions, the traditional and innovative mortars against hazards, the lime mortars in bio buildings abstract submission: 15 October 2012 notification: 15 November 2012 paper submissions: 7 February 2013 Riferimenti: Per informazioni:
AMMC Conference on Ancient and Modern Mortars
Dal 07/02/2013 al 08/02/2013
Firenze, Vecchio Conventino-Spazio Arti e Mestieri, via Giano della Bella 20/1 - Orario: 9-13/14-18
Aiar (Italian Association of Archaeometry) and Italian Lime Forum organize the firs Italian Conference completely devoted to mortar, the material of the framework and finishing elements of architecture
The topics of the conference will be The historic and modern mortar characterization, the ancient mortar dating, deterioration and durability (including masonries and mural paintings), new materials compatible for restoration works and structural rehabilitation interventions, the traditional and innovative mortars against hazards, the lime mortars in bio buildings
Per informazioni: