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A Genova un nuovo corso di Laurea Magistrale in Engineering for Building Retrofitting in lingua inglese

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MASTER COURSE Engineering for building retrofitting


Programme overview

Engineering for Building Retrofitting addresses the topics of the protection, rehabilitation and enhancement of existing buildings in terms of structural safety, energy efficiency, quality and comfort, while considering social and economic issues.

This two-year program, taught entirely in English, tackles the specific issue of the rehabilitation of existing buildings with a multi-disciplinary integrated approach. 

Learning by doing

Teaching methodologies envisage the participation in seminars and workshops (both in classroom and in laboratories), the development of individual or collective projects, as well as assisted and individual study.

Learning outcomes will be evaluated by means of tests, oral or written examinations and development of projects.

Career perspectives

The Engineering for Building Retrofitting graduates will be engineers specialized in the assessment of structural, energy and technical performances of existing buildings and in the design of rehabilitation and conservation interventions.


The program trains engineers to be able to assess and rehabilitate existing buildings, rather than design new ones. It is focused on the following main learning areas:

  • structures
  • energy and plants
  • quality and comfort

Furthermore, it includes some supplementary classes in the field of digital survey and representation, economic valuation, project financing, and project and building site management.



  • Tipologia: Master course (2 years)
  • Durata: 2 anni
  • Credit:120 CFU
  • Classe: LM-24 - Construction engineering
  • Ammissione: Accesso libero
  • Sede: Genova
  • Lingua: English
  • Modalità di erogazione: tradizionale
  • Costi: Da 0 a 3000 euro all'anno. Scopri se hai diritto a borse e esenzioni
  • Coordinatore: Chiara Calderini