A Design Procedure for the Rehabilitation of Plan-Asymmetric Buildings with Viscous Dampers - N16
Atti del XV congresso ANIDIS 2013
In this paper one of the procedures proposed in literature for the design of viscous dampers to be inserted in existing buildings is examined and extended to 3D eccentric buildings. This procedure is based on an energy criterion for the determination of the damping ratio and accounts for the nonlinear behavior of the structure through pushover analysis. The proposed procedure has been verified through a case study characterized by a six story RC building dimensioned only for gravity loads and rehabilitated with fluid-viscous dampers. Both plan-symmetric and plan-asymmetric configurations have been considered for comparisons. The asymmetric structure has been analyzed both with the procedure proposed in literature for plan buildings, and with the extended one. Moreover, the importance of considering the higher modes has been investigated. The effectiveness of the design procedure has then been evaluated through the comparison with nonlinear dynamic analyses.
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