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4th Workshop on New Boundaries of Structural Concrete

It is well known that concrete is only second to water as the most used material worldwide.
Nowadays it appears irreplaceable for many structural applications and, from the point of view of natural resources, ecology and economy, it is impossible to substitute concrete by any other material.
On the other hand, manufacturing of Portland cement accounts for at least 5% of global CO2 emissions, and the cement industry uses about 1.5 trillion liters of freshwater annually.
For this reasons, it is crystal clear that the largest or lower use in the next decades of structural concrete is related to its suitability to the central role that sustainability and resilience will play in shaping policies and technologies intended to address public safety and preservation of the environment.
This is the central thought inspiring the 4th Workshop on the New Boundaries of Structural Concrete, organized by Department of Structures for Engineering and Architecture of University of Naples Federico II and ACI Italy Chapter, and ensuring its success, after three previous editions.
Almost fifty papers are distributed in the following six sessions: Performance and life-cycle cost of new concrete structures; Controlled-performance concrete; New scenarios for concrete; Concrete quality control on site; Innovative strengthening systems for concrete structures;
The session SUPERCONCRETE includes seven papers based on the research activity developed within a Project funded by the EU as part of the Horizon 2020 Programme (H2020-MSCA-RISE-2014, n.645704).
These papers have been carefully selected and peer reviewed to meet the standards of the NBSC workshop series.
The organizing committee extends sincere gratitude and appreciation to authors, reviewers, scientific committee and workshop secretariat for their contribution, support, advice and assistance.